About us:

We are young company in windows and doors area. Our emplpyees and cooperation partners, however, already have respective experience in area of windows, doors od façade systems.

Our goal is, to deliver quality windows, doors, roller shutters and accessories to our customers. Our suppliers are selected very carefully. Every supplier is added to our programme after positive passing the trial period. We cooperate only with tested companies. You can profit from this know-how. Fist step has been already made. You read our site.

Appropriate cost reduction is achieved by making online business, just like cofigurator, consulting vie e-mail or by phone. We are looking forward to Your inquiry and will be pleased to prepare a quotation. We will instruct You, how to measure Your windows and doors and we can even help You to find an installing company in Your area. You will profit from discounts for online order, self-measurement and self-installation. Payment in advance will reduce our financial risk and You will profit from early payment discount.

Moreover, we will send windows or doors to every corner of the world. Our web site, as well as window configurator, are available in several languages and are still being translated into new languages. We are continuously looking for new employees and cooperation partners, to secure the customer care in differnent languages. Our core competence is professional consulting and shipment organization from Germany. You will save the costs in comparison with purchasing material from a local dealer. In turn, You will get delivered only quality products. We check carefully every shipment, before it goes on its way, so that the claim rate is reduced to absolute minimum.

Send us an inquiry:

Name (company):   Street:
Zip code, city:   Country:
E-mail: *   Phone: *
Profile:   Colour:
Heat insulation:   Burglary resistance:
Window sills inside:
Width, colour:
  Window sills outside:
Width, colour:
Roller shutters / external venetian blinds:
Colour, details:
  Fly screen:
Inside blinds:      
Window description

(measures, quantity, types, colour, others)


Alu Fassade